AOG Poston
a software engineer

Why Doesnt GQ Work with Lazy Vim
by AOGPoston on 12/05/23

This reddit user says:

gqq formats based on formatepxr if it's set, then formatprg and then automatically based on textwidth if the previous 2 are not explicitly set. With Lazyvim incorporating conform.nvim as its default formatter in the latest v10 release, the formatexpr was set to use conform. This is a buffer local option, so if you do something like set formatexpr= to set it to empty value, you will be able to use gq with its default behavior. Plz notice, that doing so will invalidate conform as Lazyvim's default formatter (I would guess??) with whatever consequences that may lead to. You could disable it for specific filetypes with creating an autocmd.


In the same, thread another users suggests using gww and gw as alternatives:

To add to other valid answers, I'd recommend switching to gw and gww. It is similar to gq and gqq but "'formatprg' and 'formatexpr' are not used."