AOG Poston
a software engineer

Starting with Authenticity
by A.O.G Poston on 11/15/23

Hello, my name is Amon. Full name Amon Gabriel Otis Poston. I have been in the tech industry for over 12 years, yet when I have very little to show for it. My career is one of only internal projects and very few serious side projects. For about a decade, basically my 20's, I had no concept of saving money, or planing for the future. And on top of that, I took my engineering skills for granted and acted as though I was special and that no one else could figure out how to make software.

Lo' and behold, I was wrong. Several hundred thousands are in the tech sector who were all self taught, most are wildly more intelligent than I and so much more savvy with human relationships and self expression. So many are building platforms on social media and youtube. And, honestly its great to see! However, it has made the getting a tech job very competitive for me, the man who has very little public tech projects and a very small tech network.

Fortunately for me, it seems like the solution to my problem is to solve some problems, publicly and to create good content about it.

My stomach churns when I think about putting content online in a sincere way. Nothing sounds more comforting than making jokes, being insincere, and hiding being a mask. Inauthenticity is such a great hiding place for me. For months I put off writing; I told myself, "Ive never seen Jeff Bezos, or Elon Musk write a blog post... they just solve problems and get paid." But that is just avoiding having to do the work and rationalizing my own comfort which Im ready to let go of. I may have some valid reasons for not writing in the future, and may out grow the content I create, and until that day comes Im going to create content, write, contribute to the well being of society through problem solving, business, and engineering.